IMEC Member Sponsorship

Developing the Seafarers of the Future

With an IMEC Membership comes the opportunity to be involved with our sponsored training initiatives, which aim to provide a sustainable source of high quality professional mariners for Members.

At present, there are three exclusive training programmes to take advantage of:

– IMEC Cadet Training – Philippines
– IMEC Cadet Training – South Africa
– IMEC Cadet Training – India
– IMEC Ships Rating Programme
– IMEC Engineering Bridging Course

Apart from IMEC Cadet Training, each course is entirely funded by the International Maritime Training Fund (IMTF) and is available for Members to utilise as a source of future talent on-board their vessels. Courses run throughout the year and we encourage Member participation to help develop the future leaders of the industry.

Photo Credit: Uniteam Marine

IMEC Cadet Training - Philippines

Based in Phillippines and partially funded by IMTF AMOSUP, the IMEC Cadet training programme has been our flagship project since its foundation in 2006. IMEC Members are able to sponsor Filipino cadets to study 3 years at the Maritime Academy of Asia and Pacific (MAAP) and provide them with the required 12 months seagoing experience on-board their vessels.

Members participating in the scheme are required to fund the final academic year of training at MAAP, followed by providing berths on their vessels for shipboard training. During this time, the cost of the final year of tuition can be recovered by the sponsor from the cadet’s stipend.

Successful graduates of the scheme are endorsed to their sponsors for potential employment. If accepted the cadets are obliged to work with the company for five years.

If you are interested in sponsoring IMEC cadets, please contact IMEC Training for a request form.

IMEC Ship's Rating Programme

In 2017, IMEC introduced a new training initiative known as the Ships Rating Programme. The 5 month programme conducted by Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP) is designed to bring opportunities for young people from underprivileged backgrounds by providing the education needed to become competent seafarers. This course is offered FREE of charge for IMEC Members, with successful graduates endorsed to their allocated sponsor for potential employment at the end of the 5 month period.

If you would like to sponsor an IMEC Ship’s Rating please contact IMEC Training for a request form.

IMEC Engineering Bridging Programme

The IMEC Engineering Bridging Programme was introduced in 2022 to respond to the growing need for highly qualified marine engineers. The Bridging programme aims to convert candidates who already hold a bachelors’ degree in Mechanical Engineering and fast track them to being a fully qualified Engineering Officer.

The course is made up of 10 months of study at the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific, followed by an 18 month window in which to gain 12 months qualifying sea time. After completing their engineering licence exams, these candidates are then endorsed to their sponsors for potential employment.

Similarly to the ships Rating Programme, the academic study at MAAP is funded by IMTF AMOSUP and is offered FREE of charge to IMEC Members, with the only obligation being to provide berths on the respective sponsors vessels for their shipboard training period.

The key advantage of this course will be that Members will be able to benefit from having highly skilled marine engineers in the shortest amount of training time possible.

If you would like to sponsor an IMEC Engineering Bridging Programme candidate, please contact the IMEC Training Department for a request form.

Become an IMEC member