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About Us

Our Story

IMEC can trace its roots all the way to the 1940's when a group of shipowners employing seafarers from the Indian subcontinent created the London Committee.

Members of the London Committee helped establish National Maritime Boards which regulated wages and conditions for seafarers from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. For many years our representatives participated in these negotiations.

In 1992, the organisation was transformed when it’s interests and activities expanded to cover a wider range of labour supplying countries and the negotiation of international wage rates. Members decided that IMEC should take on a much broader negotiating role with regard to ITF-approved agreements covering seafarers serving on ships designated by the ITF as flying ‘Flags of Convenience’.

IMEC’s Membership has kept expanding ever since and it is now quickly approaching the 300 mark across almost 50 countries.

What We Do

IMEC co-ordinates the views of its members and represents them in negotiations over wages and conditions of employment for seafarers.

We provide advice to members on all aspects of maritime human resources, (including the Maritime Labour Convention 2006) and developments at the International Labour Organization. We are also involved in the support of seafarer welfare and are represented on industry roundtables in many key areas including piracy and criminalisation.

IMEC runs a cadet training program on behalf of its Members at the Maritime Academy of Asia and the Pacific (MAAP), in the Philippines.

What We Do

Mission Statement

We are a leading maritime employers’ organisation committed to promoting fair and sustainable maritime labour practices through our social partnerships. We represent employers from around the world negotiating wages and conditions for seafarers as well as invest in the future of the workforce.

Mission Statement

Our Objectives

At IMEC, our values guide us in all our actions – from strategic decisions to day-to-day interactions with customers and each other.


Ensure that Decent Work and Economic Growth are at the core of our agreements

Our Policy

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

We believe that fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive environment is essential for our collective success, and we are committed to ensure that our reputation of cultivating fair and sustainable maritime labour practices is protected. There is strength in having a wide-ranging membership which naturally encourages diverse and innovative ideas and enhances our decision-making processes by encouraging differing views.

We are committed to providing equal opportunities and open platforms for all secretariat employees and members; however, we will not tolerate any form of intentional disrespect, discrimination, harassment, or behaviour that may bring IMEC’s reputation into disrepute within IMEC’s working environment or events.

We are dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusion at all levels of the Organisation and we encourage all members to join us in creating an environment that is inclusive and respectful of all individuals.

Our Policy


The Structure of IMEC

IMEC is managed by an executive committee (ExCom) comprised of volunteers from within the membership. Out of the ExCom the Chairman and Vice Chairmen are elected as IMEC Officers. These Officers, along with the CEO, are responsible for ensuring that policy decisions taken by the ExCom are enacted.

The ExCom meets at least twice a year with the Officers meeting more frequently, as is required by IMEC’s operation and business demands.

The Structure of IMEC
The Structure of IMEC

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